Friday, October 7, 2016

It's a Rafflecopter Giveaway!!!

Join us as we celebrate the Grand Opening of Good Thyme Oils and Health Products! 


Don't miss your chance to win a Starter Kit and other prizes by entering the Rafflecopter at the end of this blog post.

From Our Family to Yours

Good Thymes Oils and Health Products is owned and operated by Holly Kelly. Holly has been using essential oils for more than twenty years, and has experience not only in oils, but herbs and nutrition. Her education began almost two decades ago at The School of Natural Healing (founded in 1953). With help from her husband James--world renowned formulator, and essential oil expert--she has brought to you the highest quality oils at affordable prices. James has himself had twenty years of
experience in the natural health fields. James gained his education and received employment working at the School of Natural Healing twenty years ago. He began formulating essential oil blends and products, and it was at that time he developed a muscle rub he thought could benefit a great many people. This culminated in his opening up a company that sold lotions and balms, and he found he was right. His muscle rub quickly became a hot seller. He took on a partner several years later and formulated many more blends and products and the company flourished--adding essential oils to its line--and grew large enough to challenge the biggest essential oils companies out there. In 2016 James and his business partner ambiably parted ways as James sold his half of the company to his partner. And that's where Holly decided to step forward. Having had extensive experience in marketing and social media, along with decades of experience in natural health, and knowing her husband preferred formulation and working in the lab to sitting behind a desk, They decided the two of them would make a great team in an essential oil company. Holly formed the company and brought on her husband on as head formulator. Soon after, Good Thyme Oils and Health Products was born.
On a personal note, essential oils is only one aspect of the Kelly's lives. They are the proud parents of six children (five boys and one girl), avid Disney fans, and Halloween prop makers. Holly is also a best-selling fiction novelist and James is a seventh degree black belt in American Kenpo karate and proudly served his country in the Marine Corp.

How We Approach Essential Oils:​


Purity and Highest Quality Available.

Good Thyme oils quality assurance is the highest in the industry. Before we sell you or your family any essential oil, Good Thyme Oils does everything within our power to establish and confirm that our oils are 100% pure, natural, and of the highest quality.

Testing the oil.

1. Each oil is organoleptically tested upon arrival at Good Thyme oil's facility. Mr. Kelly oversees the quality of each oil. He has been evaluating essential oils and herbs professionally for over 16 years. Organoleptic testing means taste, sight, touch, and smell.  The essential oil is then placed on a sterile laboratory testing strip. It's allowed to evaporate over a period time.  It takes approximately 30 to 40 minutes for the essential oil characteristics to evaporate. What is left on the strip is very telling--the color, aroma, the consistency, and overall look of the oil. If there is any discrepancy to what high quality oils look or smell like, you know immediately that there is a problem with the oil.

2. Following the Organoleptically test, the sample of the essential oils is sent for testing to one of our high standard third-party testing laboratories. At the laboratory the oil will undergo multiple tests including GS "Gas Chromatography" and MS "Mass Spectrometer" testing
contaminants or adulterants that will show up during these tests. If Mr.Kelly has a suspicion that some of the natural constituents might be a synthetic or added addition to the original oil, he will send the sample back for more in-depth testing. A test, called a "chiral analysis" is used find out if it in fact natural or a synthetic additions have been made.
3. Another test we employ is microbial testing involves testing a sample of essential oils for the presence of bio microorganisms that are harmful. These  microorganisms might be  fungi, bacteria, viruses, and or different types of mold. The process for testing  involves taking a sample of the essential oil, adding it to a agar testing plate, and placing it into a incubator for 24 to 48 hours. After the sample has had sufficient time to grow, the sample is then observed through several visual tests.  This test is done to insure that no bio microorganisms are present or have been introduced into the oil during any of the processes.

Even though we've tested and repeatably tested the essential oils, Good Thyme Oils cares about our customers and if we say on our label that our  essential oils are 100% pure, that is what we have promised to give to our customers.

Our Commitment to the Highest Quality Essential Oils at the Lowest Prices:

The essential oil industry has seen a lot of changes over the last two decades. Twenty years ago, essential oils were relatively unknown in the US, and because of that, essential oil companies could set what ever price they wanted, and people would pay it--thinking they were getting what no one else could. But the truth is, essential oils have been around for thousands of years. Distilleries around the world have been in operation for decades, sometimes even hundreds of years. At the rise of several multilevel companies in the US, essential oils made their way to the forefront. Now, you'd be hard-pressed to meet someone who hasn't heard of essential oils. But in those early years, a precedence was set--the price gouging of customers. Here at Good Thyme Oils and Health Products, we  refuse to be swayed by the lure of big profit margins. Essential oils are beneficial for health, they can restore function and bring a brighter future to those ravaged by disease and injury. We feel it it wrong to take advantage of people who are suffering, and we feel an obligation to provide essential oils and other beneficial health products to our customers at a good, honest price.

For those of you who can afford to pay high prices and feel a loyalty to another company, you have every right to buy where you'd like and we encourage you to do so. But for those of you who are struggling to pay for essential oils needed to ease your life and the pain that often comes with it. Good Thyme Oils is here for you. We've put within reach the ability to obtain the benefits of good health without having to scrimp, save, and sacrifice.

Visit us at

a Rafflecopter giveaway