Friday, September 30, 2016

Reflexology, the guide to your bodies systems.

Reflexology is the physical art of applying pressure to the feet or hands using the fingers, hands or tools. Reflexology can be used with or without oils. The favored method, is to use essential oils that have been cut with a carrier oil for greater therapeutic effect. The hands and feet are maps to the body’s internal systems or zones. Reflexologists are able to gather information from the hands and feet. The feet are a sensory organ, by using pressure movements and stretching the reflexologist can interrupt the stress or accumulation of the system’s constipation. By doing this the body will respond in a predicable manner or effect. Using pressure and specific techniques to the feet or hands, will create movement or stimulation in the targeted areas which the body will respond to. 

Using the body’s nervous system, the reflexologist can outline the body’s mechanisms and interrupt the system’s constipation.  Our reflexes are made to protect the body from being hurt or damaged. If you put your hand over a fire, the heat from that fire will trigger a sensor to pull your hand away before it gets burned. This reaction is very common because the body’s autonomic nervous system will send a signal to the brain, the brain then interprets the signal as something is wrong and tells the muscle to pull the hand a way.

Stimulation to the feet or hands is a route to the different areas of the body. The reflex images on the feet and hands are a map which represents the paths the system can take.  Within the different zones, individual body systems can be effected with pressure. The ball of the foot—with stimulated massage or triggering—can affect the chest, lungs and heart. The arch of the foot contains areas that will affect the diaphragm, stomach, pancreas and duodenum.  The reflexologist goal is to respond to key areas of stress or constipation to help the individual regain his or her normal state or function.

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