Friday, August 4, 2017

Purity and Highest Quality Available to you and your family

Purity and Highest Quality Available to you and your family

Good Thyme oils quality assurance is the highest in the industry. Before we sell you or your family any essential oil, Good Thyme Oils does everything within our power to establish and confirm that our oils are 100% pure, natural, and of the highest quality. To ensure that each of our essential oils meets the strictest standards, we work directly with renowned Herbalist and Essential Oil Master, James Kelly, and the highest reputable laboratories.
Testing the oil.

1. Each oil is organoleptically tested upon arrival at Good Thyme oil's facility. Mr. Kelly oversees the quality of each oil. He has been evaluating essential oils and herbs professionally for over 16 years. Organoleptic testing means taste, sight, touch, and smell. The essential oil is then placed on a sterile laboratory testing strip. It's allowed to evaporate over a period time. It takes approximately 30 to 40 minutes for the essential oil characteristics to evaporate. What is left on the strip is very telling--the color, aroma, the consistency, and overall look of the oil. If there is any discrepancy to what high-quality oils look or smell like, you know immediately that there is a problem with the oil.

2. Following the Organoleptically test, the sample of the essential oils is sent for testing to one of our high standard third-party testing laboratories. At the laboratory, the oil will undergo multiple tests including GS "Gas Chromatography" and MS "Mass Spectrometer" testing contaminants or adulterants that will show up during these tests. If the sample shows any impurity's, we send the sample back for more in-depth testing. A test called a "chiral analysis" is used find out if it, in fact, natural or synthetic additions have been made.

3. Another test we employ is microbial testing involves testing a sample of essential oils for the presence of bio microorganisms that are harmful. These microorganisms might be fungi, bacteria, viruses, and or different types of mold. The process for testing involves taking a sample of the essential oil, adding it to an agar testing plate, and placing it into an incubator for 24 to 48 hours. After the sample has had sufficient time to grow, the sample is then observed through several visual tests. This test is done to ensure that no bio microorganisms are present or have been introduced into the oil during any of the processes.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Distilled vs. Cold-pressed

Distilled vs. Cold-pressed

Oils that are distilled are extracted by using steam. Steam is expressed through the plant material and then the essential oils are collected from the residue of this process. It is essentially the same process of distillation as used in liquor distillation. Once collected, the essential oils are filtered out. If a plant or product is rich in oil, the process will yield a large volume of oil. If the plant material has very little natural oil, the extraction process is arduous and will yield a very little product which causes the price of the essential oil to be at a premium. In cold pressing, no distillation takes place. Heat is not used. The plant material is put under pressure and the resulting oil is collected. Citrus fruits are naturals for cold pressing. Certain nuts are also cold pressed due to the natural amount of oil contained within the plant (coconut, almond, grape seed, etc.). Both essential oil collection methods are perfectly acceptable. The determination of the appropriate method for a specific plant material is based upon natural oil content and whether or not the essential oil will break down under heat.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Citrus Lovers

Citrus Blast

Citrus Blast is a refreshing blend of citrus essential oils to help uplift and awaken your senses. It's a perfect solution for the house or office for wiping down surfaces, leaving a fresh, citrus scent.
Proprietary Ingredients: Tangerine, Ruby Red Grapefruit, Clementine, Lemon, Lime and Sweet Orange Essential Oils.

Lemon Essential oil


Lemon is a small evergreen tree that produces fruit up to four times a year. The origin of the fruit appears to be a hybrid between bitter orange and citron. Lemons have been cultivated in Italy since the first century A.D. It was introduced to the Americas in 1493 when Christopher brought lemon seeds on his voyage to the New World.
100% Pure, Unadulterated (undiluted/unchanged) Essential Oil
Size: 15 ml
Botanical Name: Citrus limon
Location: Italy
Extraction Process: Cold Pressed
Part of the Plant Used: Peel

Tuesday, July 25, 2017



Lavandin is a hybrid of Lavender. It is similar in scent and use, though it does have a higher level of camphor—so the scent of Lavandin is less floral than Lavender. It is grown in similar climates to Lavender, but it is a hardier plant and less susceptible to disease. It is more often used in soaps and cleaners than true Lavender-due to the lower price and higher camphor content.

100% Pure, Unadulterated (undiluted/unchanged) Essential Oil
Size: 15 ml
Botanical Name: Lavandula hybrida
Location: France
Extraction Process: Steam Distilled
Part of the Plant Used: Flowering tops

Monday, July 10, 2017

Frankincense - The King of the Essential Oils.

Frankincense - The King of the Essential Oils.

Frankincense is obtained from a hardy, desert tree known for growing in the harshest of places—including through cracks in solid rock. The resin is obtained by slashing the bark and allowing it to “bleed” and the resin to harden. The trees are tapped two or three times a year—the third tapping producing the best quality resin. The essential oil is produced by steam distilling the dry resin. Throughout history, Frankincense has been used by natural healers to help support vitality in the body ,feelings of tranquility, relaxation, and overall wellness.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Essential oils are extraordinarily diverse

Essential oils are extraordinarily diverse and can be used in unique ways around the house. Put several drops of essential oils into a small pan of boiling water and it will help dispel the musty odors of a kitchen. This also works especially well in the microwave. Put a few drops of oil in a cup of water and microwave it for five minutes or so. It will help eliminate those not so great microwave odors (burnt popcorn anyone). Diffusers are a brilliant way to humidify and disperse essential oils around the house. Lemon and/or orange in the kitchen. Lavender, rosemary, spruce and juniper in the diffuser. And when a member of the home is sick, a diffuser with eucalyptus really provides relief. This is also good for stuffy noses. Good Thyme oils offers such an incredible range of essential oils at such low prices (we do not deal with middle men and/or tier sellers). Diffusers can also be purchased through our website. The possibilities are endless…and make your home smell divine!!!!

Friday, July 7, 2017

Fennel - The Vitality Herb

Fennel - The Vitality Herb

Fennel is native to coasts of the Mediterranean Sea and is a member of the carrot family. It’s a perennial herb that can grow in harsh conditions—including dry coastal areas. It has yellow flowers and light delicate leaves. It is highly flavorful and aromatic. The seed is often used in culinary dishes. The essential oil is obtained from the seeds by steam distillation and has been used through out history to help stomach aches, bad breath, digestion and overall vitality.

100% Pure, Unadulterated (undiluted/unchanged) Essential Oil
Size: 15 ml
Botanical Name: Foeniculum vulgare
Location: Egypt
Extraction Process: Steam Distilled
Part of the Plant Used: Seed


Eucalyptus Radiata

Eucalyptus is a flowering shrub with highly scented foliage. It is a member of the Myrtle family that grows almost exclusively in Australia. There are over 700 subspecies of Eucalyptus. It is fast growing producer of wood and has an uncanny ability to drain swamps—thus reducing the incidence of malaria. However, it’s most famous for its essential oil—which is highly sought after world-wide.

Texas Cedarwood - Southwest Hidden secret!

Texas Cedarwood - Southwest Hidden secret!

Texas Cedarwood is not a true Cedarwood. It is a member of the Juniper family, though it has many of the same constituents and is used in much the same way. Cedar is used mostly in aromatherapy, but it is also used to repel insects, and has natural antifungal properties. The scent is deeper than true Cedar and many find more appealing.

100% Pure, Unadulterated (undiluted/unchanged) Essential Oil
Size: 15 ml
Botanical Name: Juniperus mexicana
Location: USA
Extraction Process: Steam Distilled
Part of the Plant Used: Wood

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Eve Blend - Women Balance

Eve is a proprietary blend to help women feel more in balance, especially during the time surrounding the menstrual cycle or with menopausal symptoms. It can give women the extra help they need to avoid hormone imbalance and keep them feeling great.
Proprietary Ingredients: Clary Sage, Peppermint, Bergamot, Lavender, Geranium, Cedarwood and Ylang Ylang Essential Oils.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Clove the prince of Herbs


Clove is an evergreen tree native to Indonesia. It produces flower buds that turn red when ready to harvest. It’s similar to Allspice and Cinnamon. The essential oil is processed from the buds and is very potent. Care should be given when used on the skin as it can cause irritation—be sure to properly dilute.

100% Pure, Unadulterated (undiluted/unchanged) Essential Oil
Size: 15 ml
Botanical Name: Eugenia caryophyllata
Location: Indonesia
Extraction Process: Steam Distilled
Part of the Plant Used: Bud

Thursday, June 29, 2017



Clementine is native to Italy. It is a citrus hybrid between the sweet orange and the citrus deliciosa. It’s a smaller fruit—about two inches in diameter—and it’s easy to peel. It can easily be mistaken for a mandarin orange. The essential oil comes from cold pressing of the peel and has a light citrus scent that is uplifting.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Clary Sage - Rejuvenation Essential Oil

Clary Sage - Rejuvenation Essential Oil

Clary Sage is a short-lived biennial plant that is native to Europe. It grows to a stalk about three feet high with lavender colored flowers. The leaves are large and heart-shaped, and they are covered in fine silver hair. In the twelfth century, Clary Sage was considered an aphrodisiac. Women would carry it in a satchel, worn under their clothing to attract the man of their dreams.

100% Pure, Unadulterated (undiluted/unchanged) Essential Oil
Size: 15 ml
Botanical Name: Salvia sclarea
Location: France
Extraction Process: Steam Distilled
Part of the Plant Used: Flower/Leaf

Friday, June 23, 2017

Cassia - The common Cinnamon.

Cassia - The common Cinnamon.

Cassia, sometimes known as Chinese cassia, is an evergreen native to China. It is known for its aromatic bark used often in the US—also known as cassia cinnamon (the most common type of Cinnamon used in the US). The essential oil is not taken from the bark. It is take from the leaves and twigs.
100% Pure, Unadulterated (undiluted/unchanged) Essential Oil
Size: 15 ml
Botanical Name: Cinnamomum cassia
Location: China
Extraction Process: Steam Distilled
Part of the Plant Used: Leaf/Twig

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Cajeput - The forgotten Melaleuca Oil.

Cajeput - The forgotten Melaleuca Oil.

Cajeput comes from oil obtained from the leaves of the myrtaceous tree—native to Australia and the islands of the South Pacific. The leaves are harvested on a hot, dry day; macerated in water; and then allowed to ferment overnight. The oil has a powerful odor—due to its natural high camphor and turpentine content. Tea Tree and Eucalyptus are similar in medicinal uses to Cajeput.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Bergamot, the King of Citrus.

Bergamot, the King of Citrus.

Bergamot is a citrus fruit—likely a hybrid of lime and orange. The shape of a bergamot fruit is similar to that of a pear. The tree is small and blossoms in the winter. The oil is most often obtained by cold pressing the peel. The oil is almost exclusively obtained from Italy—more specifically, the Ionian Sea costal area. It should be noted that, Bergamot is photo toxic. Therefore, care should be taken to avoid direct sunlight when using Bergamot topically.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Good Thyme Oils is a unique company

Good Thyme Oils is a unique company offering the highest quality essential oils from around the world at a cost that is friendly to your pocketbook. Our oils are chosen according to the strictest adherence to quality standards and our blends have been created with the utmost attention to detail. James Kelly, the man who creates and develops our blends, has a Master of Aromatherapy and a Master Herbalist endorsement. He has a mastery of essential oil science and over twenty years of experience in combining and creating essential oils blends to enhance the lives and well-being of his customers. We are proud to have James as our essential oil guru and have built Good Thyme Oils around his knowledge of the industry and expertise with essential oils and herbs. Our goal is to not only provide you with outstanding essential oils and blends, but to also assist in educating our customers about each essence and its historical and modern uses and applications.